Tuesday, March 03, 2009

what i wish to do at this moment!

kissing my mom on the cheeks, the forehead and the nose!

eating what i've been craving for quite so long!
cencaru sumbat

sup tulang kaw

writing on chapter 4 and 5 of my project paper!

finish off mr. nukman's report on bilingualism!

lepaking at the waterfall!

and swim along...

hugging and playing with the kids in my life!

the three stooges

the two lovers

the two cuzzies

watching those interesting movies in my collection!

for the forth time

for the third time

and those i haven't watch...

~and still searching!


wanderfulmadnificent said...

you forgot to write;

what i wish to do at this moment:

spend time with maddy :p

on a serious note, what about escalating ibadah? ehem ehem :p

gda Mokhtar said...

yes maddy!

escalating ibadah is something i wish to do not only at this moment but at each and every second..

isn't everything that we do with good 'niat' and 'cara' is ibadah anyway?