Saturday, February 14, 2009

the night recalls

le boss = big potion!
this is some kind of a warning to me those who have been there (since i'm not eating much, sometimes!)

this is actually a birthday celebration for wan and inn.

happy birthday wan.

happy birthday inn.
use the present we gave wisely yea! for
ur future, hehe...

i ordered pan grill chicken, with 2 sidelines - mash potato + wedges! my potion is not that surprising big, tp boley laa...
well, i finished it. thanx to riss, inn and azmi.

this kind of gathering is not just about eating, but it is more than that. we got to sit together and share whatever we have.

while eating and having fun with them all, it suddenly reminds me of my home.
because i usually spend weekends at home.

what actually my mak, abah and other siblings are doing right now?

what do they have for dinner?

do they remember me as well at this moment, the way i remember them?

1 comment:

nani said...

hey babe
u ni kan
kata makan banyak
wes, put shout out in ur blog la
malas nk komen pjg sini
hahaha :P